Welcome to Arcturus

Arcturus, the Anti-Staff Minecraft Factions server, offers a truly competitive experience by eliminating restraints such as Anti-VPNs and Staff who bully members.

If you’re able to do something that gives you an advantage over other players, then why should some 12 year-old “moderator” tell you that you can’t??

As successor to all other Minecraft Servers, Arcturus is not just an alternative; it’s a replacement.

Your ranks, items, and bases from Herobrine seamlessly transition to Arcturus, ensuring a smooth continuation and precisely zero progress-loss.

Herobrine’s declining player base, laggy servers, lack of moderation, and unbalanced gameplay has grown incapable of supporting its own community.

Arcturus, with its self-hosted and democratic community, addresses these issues and surpasses Herobrine in every possible metric.

Bid farewell to lag machines, bugs, cheaters, and elitist hierarchies.

Arcturus features a strict freedom policy and anarchist philosophy. Nobody tells you what to doโ€”As long as you follow our Rulebook ๐Ÿ™‚

Join the revolution at arcturusmc.xyz